Cries from the Heart

Cries from the Heart

Stories of Struggle and Hope
Johann Christoph Arnold

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Cries from the Heart answers a specific hunger millions share – a longing for a personal connection to the divine. In times of crisis, all of us reach for someone,or something, greater than ourselves. Some call it prayer. Others just do it. For many, it’s often like talking to a wall. People are looking for assurance that someone hears them when they cry out in their despair, loneliness, or frustration. The last thing they need is another book telling them how to pray or what to say, holding out religion like a good-luck charm.

So instead of theorizing or preaching, Johann Christoph Arnold tells stories about real men and real women dealing with adversity. Their difficulties – which range from extreme to quite ordinary and universal – resonate with readers, offering a challenge, but also comfort and encouragement. People will see themselves in these glimpses of anguish, triumph, and peace.

Bo Lozoff, Director, The Human Kindness Foundation
Even in the worst imaginable circumstances, each of us can choose to turn to God in sincere prayer and suffer together with Him rather than alone. Arnold does not pander to our desire to escape suffering, but rather helps us to mine the spiritual gold within the depths of it.

Most Rev. Alex J. Brunett, Archbishop of Seattle
Cries from the Heart offers the reader a wonderful insight into the compassion and sensitivity that are the hallmarks of the Christian faith tradition. Many of the anecdotal materials discovered in the book will find an echo in the hearts of its readers.

Roy Bourgeois, S.O.A Watch
An excellent resource to inspire us all as we work for peace and justice in our world and in our hearts.

Rev. Donna Schaper, author, Shelter for the Spiritually Homeless
Cries from the Heart is written by someone who knows heartache—and what life is like on the other side. By teaching us to pray, and how to trust prayer, Arnold embraces our despair and restores our confidence.

John Dear, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Cries from the Heart takes us deep into the inner recesses of life the spiritual struggle of prayer and faith.

Ernest Preate
Arnold chronicles the humanity and the divinity in each of us with stories of real people who have experienced the gamut of life’s challenges. He allows their own words to fully describe their journey and how they, through faith in God and prayer, persevered to reach an inner peace.

Diane Komp, M.D., author, Breakfast for the Heart
I love a riveting story that won’t go away. That’s exactly the type of word picture that Johann Arnold paints, from dark to light, from despair to courage, from pain to joy, from doubt to faith. But always—ALWAYS—Arnold points our crying to the light.

Richard John Neuhaus, First Things
Arnold’s message is demanding and exhilarating, which is what disciples of Jesus should expect.

Houston Chronicle
Arnold is thought-provoking and soul-challenging…He writes with an eye-opening simplicity that zings the heart.

Publishers Weekly
Arnold is clear, compassionate, uncompromising…He writes straight from (and to) the heart.

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